On this episode of Launch Stories, I speak to Michael Schuster, Co-founder and Partner at Speedinvest, one of Europe’s most active early-stage venture capital firms with over 600 mil EUR of assets under management.
You’ll learn why founders need to balance product and sales to scale quickly, and why a successful investor behaves like a good music producer. You’ll also hear how a venture capital firm can make a positive ‘dent’ in the Universe.
BitPanda: https://www.bitpanda.com/en
GoStudent: https://www.gostudent.org/en
TIER Mobility: https://www.tier.app/en/
WeFox: https://www.wefox.com/de-ch
Shpok: https://www.shpock.com/en-gb
Soundtrack credits:
Wake Up by MBB https://soundcloud.com/mbbofficial
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2CDshIl
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/6lqS34C4DCg